Monday, May 9, 2011

Relocated to Buchanan in Waynesboro

I am now working in Waynesboro at Buchanan Auto Park. The manufacture lines that I have available to me are Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler, Chevrolet, Cadillac, and GMC. Don't forget about all the used vehicles I have at my finger tips. So how do you get a hold of me? Call me at 717-762-1107 ext: 2220, or you can email me at visit our website at I look forward to meeting with you soon! I also have a referral program that will make you some extra $$$! Now get off that seat before you get beat!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

To contact until they buy or die? That is the question

When you first get that customer’s information and they are unable to make a commitment at that time what is a realistic timeframe to keep trying to contact that customer. Most ”experts” will say 120-180 days, but in today’s faster moving decision process for the customer do you really think they are still in the market? I would have to say “No”, please keep in mind that this is my opinion. The first 1-24 hours is the most important. If you can respond to someone as they are still sitting at the computer…You WIN!

As a person that works in the trenches on a day to day basis I have found that if I have not received a response within about 30 days the customer has already purchased a vehicle. Typically I have had some great luck at getting a hold of a customer within the first 72 hour. I thank my success to a "Dealer Jedi”-Joe Webb. I have gained a great deal of success from listening to his advice. There have been others along the way as well, but sorry I got off track. With the use of great templates and time management (when the templates are sent out) and you ACTUALLY make the phone calls then you should have a response-good or bad from the customer within the first 3 days. There are some exceptions to the rules because you might be in an area where most of your clients are in the military and they have very limited access a computer (for example). If you answer the customer’s first inquiry with a well researched response, answer all the customers questions, and add a quick 10-15 second video of yourself...Your responses will increase dramatically and ultimately you will make more money.

Bradley Belford

Check out this neat video on the GMC Granite

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Be a Leader of Change

Process improvement initiatives and change projects have become major milestones in many organizations’ history. Due to the dynamics of the external environment, many organizations find themselves in a continuum of change. The scope reaches from smaller project changes in particular sub-business units up, to corporation-wide transformation processes.

Unfortunately, not every process change leads to the expected results. There are multiple reasons for potential failure. Typical barriers to change are unexpected changes in the external conditions, a lack of commitment in implementation, resistance of people involved, or a lack of resources. The implications of failed project changes go beyond missed objectives. More important is the negative symbolism and the de-motivation of people involved. People within the change team may become dissatisfied with their own performance or with the lack of support they received. As a result, some of them may never again be willing to commit themselves to initiative changes. Similarly, people affected by the (failed) change effort may develop growing skepticism. They might perceive future changes as “another fancy idea from management,” that implies extra work and few benefits.

Political campaigns are based upon promises of change, but seldom are the pledges made from the lips of these people matched by real, measurable results after someone is elected. In all fairness to these politicians, attempts to bring about change encounter fierce opposition and resistance from those around them. Most leaders see the need for change, but few can convince others to believe in change, and fewer still can achieve change. This illustrates how the viability of change depends solely upon the development and enforcement of its processes for implementation.

There are a few essential qualities a leader must possess:

Understands the Organization

Sometimes an organization lacks the people, resources, or energy to successfully implement change. Just because a change can be made does not mean it should. Leaders understand the organization and the people that make it what it is. While people must be persuaded (pushed) to make changes, they should also be allotted the comfort to adjust to the new way of doing things.


It is the leader’s responsibility to put the weight of change on their shoulders, but the burden should not be carried alone. In fact, unless you persuade the key players on your team, then the attempt at change is marked for failure. Before you try to make changes, make every effort to win over the influencers around you.

Takes Risks

In the quest for change there is the chance that you are going to mess up and make things worse. You can’t let the possibility of failure overthrow your commitment to make changes. No one has ever achieved greatness by not taking risks and the desire to get better requires us to get out of our comfort zones.

Leads by Example

After a leader proves his or her commitment to the cause, then the team will be persuaded to follow. You must lead by example! Decisive action on the part of a leader inspires the confidence in his or her team.

Has Thick Skin

Everyone gets set in a routine and they get upset at anyone who threatens to disrupt the way they operate. Any time you try to implement another change you are going to be disliked by someone. However if you try to make everyone happy then your company will suffer. Either way, you are going to face criticism so you might as well do what is best for your company.

Gives Praise

A huge change takes a toll on everyone involved. Be sure to praise those around you when an objective is achieved. Doing this will re-motivate those team members and give them a sense of achievement, so they will want to strive to get better.

Keeps the Train Moving

When making changes you will hit some road blocks or experience failures. When this happens, be vocal and help your team figure out what went wrong and put it in perspective. Mishaps plant the seed of doubt and cause people to second guess your leadership. In these moments it is critical that you reiterate the reason for change, and refocus everyone on the next steps rather than stressing about taking a step backwards.

Learn to drive change rather than demanding it. As an influencer it is imperative that you communicate what you are trying to accomplish and design a clear road map for those around you to follow. If you can see it you can achieve it!

Bradley Belford

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Technology Twister

When someone is given the task of starting up an e-commerce business for an automobile dealership they are bombarded with what to do and what not to do. It can be so discombobulating that your head will literally start spinning. Let's start with wondering which vendors to use when it comes to things like your website, data feed management, and the where to and which places to effectively market your inventory. Now throw a wrench into it with the all the different companies that talk about your S.E.O.(search engine optimization) and how to make you a better company for effectively and strategically placing your company above your competition. The last thing I want to touch on is the BIG social network scene. You know the sites I am thinking about right? Well if not let me list a few (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace Why?.Blogs) for you.

One might start off with creating a Facebook page for the dealership they work for, then a Twitter account, then a Blog, then sign up with another company that is supposed to create an easy flow for all of these to merge as one. Then most Internet manager assume these are sites where you can sell you vehicles...WRONG! These sites are here for you to keep your followers, friends, or fan in the loop of the great things that is going on with your dealership and your manufactures. You bombard your customers with specials of this vehicle or post your whole inventory and any other useless information you THINK they want to know. Then we start to concentrate on one site and start to neglect the others but wait here is the good part we finally remember and..We send all types of useless and annoying information to the ones keeping track and they now start getting annoyed and tired of reading the garbage so they drop you from their feeds, friends, or stop following you. But hey we can't seem to figure out why our fans numbers keep dropping by the minute and oh well we have the other people on the other sites so lets just let this one go.

The Circle of life starts over..we move on to the next and repeat the same dumb stuff until you have no one left but your immediate friends that you convinced and the beginning and your co-workers that are following you now. Once you finally wake up from that daze you've been in there is too much damage like the F5 tornado that just ripped through the local trailer park there is nothing left. We go round and round and.. well you get the point!

To avoid all of this confusion and stress for yourself, not to mention the people you interact with come up with an action plan. Meet with your owners,GM's, GSM's, and anyone else that will help you figure out what is important to the company that you work for. Remember you are the front line for your department and the dealership. Write down a clear process that everyone in your department will understand and follow. Make sure that you are open to suggestions from those that work with you. Most of the time your dealerships already have vendors and programs in place, try to learn how to effectively use them first. Every company that you do business with has a representative assigned to your account..USE THEM because that is what they get paid to do. If you still are not getting anywhere, then branch out to other Internet managers in your dealer community and see who they use. Most people are welcome to the idea of helping someone out because they remember what it was like when they were in your shoes. Trust me there is a perfect fit for everyone out there. With the social media hype start out small with a Facebook page and encourage everyone you know to add it. Don't over post and give helpful information and before you you know it...You are on your way!

Stay tuned for more to come on how to get off the bench and be an MVP in the new game we play!

Bradley Belford

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Dealer and the Ostrich

What do the ostrich and a car dealer have in common? I will elaborate on that more in a second. As a sales professional in the e-commerce business of automobile sales I find myself wondering why it’s so hard to get a dealer principal’s head out of the sand, and take notice of the potential that they can have if they just open their eyes. If I came to you and said, “If you give me $900 today, then by the end of the month I will give you $45,000 but you have to invest right this minute”. Mind you that I have in my hand documentable proof that what I am asking you is 100% guaranteed. Would you still say “No I don’t think it is a good idea, because I have no clue about the field you are talking about”? Well as an Internet Director I have found myself in this conundrum numerous times in the past at different dealerships I was at. It still boggles my mind that dealers in this day in age are still stuck in the stone ages of put it the paper, T.V., or radio and they’ll come. Well all you Dealers out there read this next sentence very carefully! Your customer is not where you think they are! With today’s ease of information out there in cyberspace a customer knows more than you and your sales consultants put together. I love it when I see an internet customer come into the dealership and they are taking the sales person for a ride. They ask questions they already know the answer too, and they probably know your inventory a little better as well. Get off the bench and get into the game people! As the sun rises and sets the customer gets smarter and smarter. So ask your self two questions. Are you going to be one of the casualties of the evolution of the car business and die off one by one like the dinosaurs of the past? And are you ready to get your head out of the sand like the scared ostrich and OPEN your eyes to the NEW world of the car business?

Stay tuned for more to come on how to get off the bench and be an MVP in the new game we play!

Thanks for reading and I welcome your feed back.