Tuesday, June 29, 2010

To contact until they buy or die? That is the question

When you first get that customer’s information and they are unable to make a commitment at that time what is a realistic timeframe to keep trying to contact that customer. Most ”experts” will say 120-180 days, but in today’s faster moving decision process for the customer do you really think they are still in the market? I would have to say “No”, please keep in mind that this is my opinion. The first 1-24 hours is the most important. If you can respond to someone as they are still sitting at the computer…You WIN!

As a person that works in the trenches on a day to day basis I have found that if I have not received a response within about 30 days the customer has already purchased a vehicle. Typically I have had some great luck at getting a hold of a customer within the first 72 hour. I thank my success to a "Dealer Jedi”-Joe Webb. I have gained a great deal of success from listening to his advice. There have been others along the way as well, but sorry I got off track. With the use of great templates and time management (when the templates are sent out) and you ACTUALLY make the phone calls then you should have a response-good or bad from the customer within the first 3 days. There are some exceptions to the rules because you might be in an area where most of your clients are in the military and they have very limited access a computer (for example). If you answer the customer’s first inquiry with a well researched response, answer all the customers questions, and add a quick 10-15 second video of yourself...Your responses will increase dramatically and ultimately you will make more money.

Bradley Belford

Check out this neat video on the GMC Granite

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